Understanding Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy, also called physical therapy, is a part of the allied healthcare professions. Physiotherapists provide physical therapy that focuses on the prevention, recovery, and maintenance of health. They help patients achieve or improve their optimum physical condition. Physical therapists may also prescribe specific therapeutic exercises, perform diagnostic tests, provide information and education about disease processes and symptoms, and provide assistance using devices. Thus, physical therapists are an integral part of the health care industry.

physio CampbelltownA physiotherapist’s job is to assess, diagnose and treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapy helps reduce pain, strengthen the muscles and bones, and restore mobility to injury, disease or paralysis. Physiotherapists assess, diagnose, and treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system that include chronic and acute pain, fractures, deformities, disfigurements, movement disorders, muscle weakness, and joint stiffness. They also provide education and information regarding symptoms, signs, and management of conditions that can indicate other medical conditions. Many physical therapists begin their careers in hospitals or other medical centres, but others open their practices. Thus, they can work in various health care settings, including nursing homes, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, outpatient clinics and specialised physician’s offices.

Physiotherapists usually specialise in one of four treatment areas: orthopedic, geriatric, neurological, and sports medicine. Orthopedic physiotherapy relieves pain and stiffness in patients suffering from back, neck, and hip injuries; it includes spinal manipulation, ultrasound, exercise ball/stationary cycling, manual lymph drainage, and rehabilitation. Geriatric rehabilitation improves mobility, functions, and overall health for patients older than 65 years old; it involves exercise, lifestyle changes, and physiotherapy. Neurological physiotherapy (neck, back, and leg) helps patients with neurological disorders and sensory issues related to the brain and spinal cord. Finally, sports medicine focuses on athletes’ injuries and rehabilitation of athletes’ injuries; it can also involve rehabilitation of patients after knee surgery.

The primary goal of physio Campbelltown is to achieve and maintain an active, flexible, and pain-free life. It can help you increase your range of movement, use gravity to improve balance and coordination, and manage and control pain and stiffness. You may also learn new healthy lifestyle habits to improve your health and reduce your risk for future injury. It includes avoiding repetitive motion injuries, increasing your fitness level, and following recommended exercise routines.

Occupational therapy involves using structured techniques and exercise routines to deal with physical problems associated with working in a particular environment. These professionals are responsible for movement, posture, and balance in the workplace. They can also treat muscular cramps, balancing on the feet and wrists, and problems related to the eyes, hips, legs, back, and spine. Occupational therapists are licensed in their respective fields and carry professional liability insurance.

Exercises are performed to stretch and strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and build strength. It helps reduce stress on joints and bones, which in turn reduces pain and stiffness. In some cases, patients can perform some of the exercises independently, but in other cases, physical therapists perform these exercises and activities on their behalf. In addition, some physical therapists specialise in only one particular area of the body, while others perform various treatments for all affected areas.

The most common types of physiotherapy treatments are manual therapies such as massage and traction. Manual therapies are often recommended for patients with chronic joint pain or stiffness. Massage and traction help loosen tight muscles that can cause pain in joints while increasing mobility and range of motion. The rehabilitation exercises that physiotherapists perform with patients also help increase strength in muscles and the soft tissues surrounding the joints.